Legacy Membership Program

Ready to Serve Sponsor - Bronze PAWS- $1,000 

Your donation may help provide dog food, head collar and vest for 1 Service/Facility Dog for 1-year during their training.

Dog Kennel Sponsor - Silver PAWS- $2,500

Your donation may help provide toys, treats, and beds for 1-year for our dongs in-training.

Puppy Pen Sponsor - Gold PAWS- $5,000

Your donation may help provide delivery and early puppy care needs for 1-year for our puppies.

- Name or corporate logo on a plaque on the Puppy Pen for 1-year

Litter Sponsor - Platinum PAWS- $10,000

Your donation may hep cover the cost of veterinary care and medical care, grooming, and the beginnings of socialization.

- Name or corporate logo on plaque in the Dog Kennel for 1-year.

Legacy Member - $25,000

You can be the driving force behind changing lives! The cost to train and place a Service/Facility Dog is approximately $40,000. Your generous sponsorship will provide every advantage our dogs need to become a trained Service Dog for children and veterans with disabilities and Facility Intervention Dogs for schools and courtrooms.

- Name or corporate logo placement on donor appreciation plaque hung in our Training Center.

  • Right to name a future Service/Facility Dog (name subject to SDA approval)

  • Welcome kit to show our appreciation.

  • Updates on your sponsored dog-in-training, to include photos (if applicable)

  • Notice of recipient/dog pairing and graduation report.

Lifetime Member - ($26,000+)

All of the benefits of Platinum PAWS and Legacy Membership PLUS

  • No further action is required. You will never need to worry about renewing your membership, however you are always welcome to contribute to specific funds or special events.

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