Emily Regains Independence with Service Dog Kenzie

From an early age Emily Manley, a Prattville resident, faced several health challenges. “ I live with so many disorders, most of which people have never heard of like Ehlers-Danlos which causes my joints to collapse without notice, Dysautonomia which effects breathing and causes dizziness and instability, Epilepsy which causes multiple seizures each day, and many others.”

In 2014, Service Dogs Alabama (SDA) provided Emily with her first service dog, Tucker. “A service dog is not optional for me; it is a necessity. Tucker taught me that. Tucker was my lifeline for seven years.” A service dog from SDA allowed Emily to graduate from Faulkner University, become a wife, an artist, and a small business owner.

“Tucker has literally saved my life so many times. He would help me get up after a fall; he would brace his body so I could stabilize myself on him and get up after a fall. He alerted to seizures and assisted in helping me recover. He helped me live my life. He taught me the value of having a trained service dog.”

Sadly, Tucker passed away in 2020, and Emily’s quality of life and independence declined. Fortunately, SDA was there once again to assist Emily with a new service dog. Kenzie allows Emily to live her life with sustained independence and purpose again.

Seizure and Mobility assistance service dogs are just some of the many types of service dogs professionally trained by SDA. SDA service dogs begin their 2-3 year training process as puppies. The process is led by professional trainers, experienced socializers, and prison inmate trainers. These skilled dogs have a powerful effect on the independence, confidence, security, physical health, and psychological stability of the individual and groups that they serve.

Emily’s new service dog, Kenzie, was graciously sponsored by: Southern Poverty Law Center, Prattville Service League, Central Alabama Community Foundation, Autauga Area Community Foundation, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Order of the Easter Star-Alabama Grand Chapter, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama’s Caring Foundation.

For more information contact: Richard Rice, Media Manager, richard@servicedogsalabama.org or 334-676-3733

Caroline Sease